Ministry Dreams

Tags: Discernment, Freedom, Healing, Deliverance, Encouragement, Revival, End Times, Spiritual Warfare, Spiritual Gifts, Dreams & Visions
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Ministry Dreams
Ministry dreams is a collection of some ministry the Lord has planned for the author in the future.

Ministry Dreams

This article is a collection of some ministry dreams that the Lord gave me.

The first dream, The Two Vehicles, is about the small home group that my wife and I started and one way in which God apparently intends to use it.

The second dream, Deliverance Dream, is about a future deliverance of a boy. In the dream, the boy is bound by a “monster” of a demon, and God uses me to cast the demon out.

The third dream, A Place of Cleansing, is about God bringing spiritual and emotional cleansing, through the word of God and the Spirit God, which I am involved in.

The fourth dream, Revival In the City, is about a future move of God, in which the unity of the brethren is highlighted, which I am involved in.

1. The Two Vehicles

This dream is about the small home group that my wife and I started and one way in which God apparently intends to use it.

I was driving a car on the road and my wife was at my right, in the passenger seat beside me. We had just entered the highway via the on-ramp. There was strong confidence in our hearts that the car would work. There was gladness or courage that the car would work and would not falter. There was something about this car that was very positive. There was an overwhelming confidence in the vehicle. There was likely just one thing we needed to do, and that was to continue to have overwhelming confidence in this vehicle. The vehicle was a small car. The confidence, however, was not really in the car, but in the one who made the car work. In my opinion, it would seem that the car most likely represents the small home group that my wife and I started.

As we were driving, a truck (but not a massive one) in front of us started to have obvious problems (almost veering off the road to the left). I saw it first. I indicated that I saw that it was having problems (it veered sharply to the left). Sharply veering to the left probably represents doctrinal problems that I have observed repeatedly in some churches.

If the car represents our home group, which is a small ministry, then the truck would represent a larger ministry in which there are some “obvious” problems. Veering to the left indicates moving against God’s authority vis-a-vis the “right-hand of God,” which is a symbol of God’s authority. Thus, the right can symbolize moving in God’s authority. But the left (and especially when the truck almost crashes!) would indicate moving outside of God’s authority. The fact that I saw it first likely means that it is something that I am already quite aware of (like a false doctrine that is preached in some church circles).

Soon thereafter, the man crashes completely. However, he did not crash into anybody, nor was there any other vehicle involved in the crash. He simply crashed his vehicle.

The man himself was now in the middle of the road. The focus seems to be the man and not his vehicle. The vehicle is essentially removed from the picture at this point in time. It is just the man in the middle of the road. And he is in danger of getting hit.

But what could “getting hit” actually mean? In the context of this dream, I do not really know. But one thing is certain, he needs to get “off the road” now, before it is too late. In other words, when a minister of the gospel has crashed his ministry, he needs to get off the road of ministry and into a place of healing. This place of healing should provide:

1. A proper theology of healing

2. A proper understanding of the character of God

3. A demonstration of the power of the Holy Spirit to heal and restore broken lives.

And this is essentially the focus of our ministry, which of course would include anyone who has this need, and not only ministers of the gospel.

My wife and I quickly stopped. I told my wife to stop traffic in one direction while I stopped traffic in the other, so that the man would have time to get off the road, so he would not be hit by an oncoming vehicle.

According to the dream, and if my understanding of the imagery is correct, it appears that my wife and I, and our home group, will somehow be given the opportunity to minister to this man’s spiritual needs, by which he will then be able to receive the healing that he needs.

I had this dream on January 9, 2025.

2. Deliverance Dream

This dream is about a future deliverance of a boy. In the dream, the boy is bound by a “monster” of a demon, and God uses me to cast the demon out.

I was carrying something. It had power. Since I was carrying something that had power, I believe that something must be the Holy Spirit. Or, more particularly, powerful gifts of the Holy Spirit. Christians are those who have been given the Holy Spirit (see Romans 8:9, Ephesians 1:13-14). The Bible says,

“For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.” (2 Timothy 1:7)

Furthermore, the Bible says that God has given gifts of the Holy Spirit to his children. In one passage, we read,

“For to one is given by the Spirit the word of wisdom; to another the word of knowledge by the same Spirit; To another faith by the same Spirit; to another the gifts of healing by the same Spirit; To another the working of miracles; to another prophecy; to another discerning of spirits; to another divers kinds of tongues; to another the interpretation of tongues” (1 Corinthians 12:8-10)

These gifts are very powerful. But you might be asking, where is the gift of the casting out of demons? That comes under the working of miracles, because in Mark 9:38-39, Jesus called the casting out of demons a miracle.

In the dream, when I took it — this thing that I was carrying — and put it, or threw it, or placed it, on the boy (a little boy), then it was just a matter of time before the boy would kind of explode or erupt and the demon would come out of him. This reference of “putting” something on the boy is really just a figure-of-speech in the dream. In reality, I don’t put anything physical on him. What gets “put” on him is the power of God. This does not actually require any physical contact with the person. But there are times when God does use the laying on hands or physical contact to impart his power into people. One example is found where Jesus said,

“Someone did touch me, for I perceived that power has gone out of me.” (Luke 8:46)

Thus, the Bible teaches that power can go out from Jesus. But can it also go out from his followers? It can, because that is also taught in the Bible. In Acts 28, we read,

“The father of Publius lay sick of fever and dysentery. Paul entered in to him, prayed, and laying his hands on him, healed him.” (Acts 28:8)

In this passage, Paul lays his hands on someone, and heals him. Some people say that God does not do things like this any longer, which simply means they have not seen it happen. However, this actually does happen today. God still heals people through others who pray for them, and sometimes (not always) through the laying on of hands. Also, Jesus said,

“Most certainly I tell you, he who believes in me, the works that I do, he will do also; and he will do greater works than these, because I am going to my Father.” (John 14:12)

And so that would be another reason from the Bible why these things are still possible for today. In the dream, I “put” the thing on the boy, meaning, God’s power operated through me to bring deliverance to the boy. It’s really that simple. Yes, God can do these things today. He wants to!

In the dream, it says that, “it was just a matter of time before the boy would kind of explode or erupt and the demon would come out of him.” In other words, this could take a little time. Some people actually teach that unless God performs a healing or deliverance instantly, it is not of God. But this is simply not true. God can easily take his time, or work in stages, to bring healing and deliverance, even as he worked in stages to heal a man who was blind. For we read,

“Then again he laid his hands on his eyes. He looked intently, and was restored, and saw everyone clearly.” (Mark 8:25)

If Jesus took his time with one man, and did not heal him instantly, then he may also take his time when he works through his followers. Let us not try and rush what God is doing, or even deny that he is doing anything at all, just because it takes time.

In the dream, the demon was a real “monster of a demon” that had some type of explosive ability, and the boy kind of squishes out this liquid (like water) all over the room as I flew over him. I hovered over him, I guess you could say. The description of “hovering over” him is merely symbolic, but means I did not allow the demon to put me under it, in the sense of succumbing to its power. Thus, I maintained my authority over the demon.

The fact that this was a “monster of a demon” is not surprising, because there are stronger and weaker demons. In Luke 11:24-26, Jesus talks about spirits that are more evil than others. I encourage you to read that passage and get to know it well, as it packs a lot of important information. In fact, here are the lessons in short form:

1. Demons prefer to inhabit people rather than to wander.

2. Some demons are more powerful. Others are less powerful. But even the less powerful ones will negatively affect you. In fact, it’s the less powerful ones that will actually seek out more powerful ones. Thus, demons are like magnets to other demons, and if you have one, you might have more.

3. Demons will inhabit an unclean vessel. So if there is any type of uncleanliness in you — or you practiced any type of uncleanliness in the past, or were abused, tormented, or suffered rejection, then you may have become demonized.

4. There are lots of demons to go around, waiting to come into an unclean vessel.

5. If a person has a single demon, and they do not get delivered of it, that can easily jump from one demon to seven more demons in just one swoop.

6. Demons literally network and help other demons to inhabit people. Consequently, the man with the “legion” of demons likely started out with just one. But in time, seven more were added. Later, each of those eight (total) demons may have brought in seven others. Already, that’s 64 demons if you do the math. This is another way demons gain strength, through numbers (the same as a human army).

7. Demons that are inside a person can leave the person temporarily. But if the vessel is not clean, they will come back. The concern should not be in the strength of the demon, but in the cleanliness of the vessel. But in order to initially get rid of them, you may need deliverance. The Bible teaches this. Simply put, even using the best procedures that you know, you might not be able to get rid of your own demons on your own. You may be dealing with something that is simply too great. And that’s why the deliverance ministry is actually a “thing.” Yes, Jesus did command his followers to cast out demons (see Mark 16:17, John 14:12, and 1 Corinthians 12:10).

The boy squishes out this liquid all over the room. Sometimes, liquids can come out of people when they are being delivered of a demon. Or, this could simply have symbolic meaning, which relates to demons being expelled (demons often come out via the mouth).

In the dream, I kind of danced around him, or hovered slightly beside him, and over him. I had the ability to hover, so I essentially missed all the stuff that was coming out of him. However, some of it did, in fact, hit me, and made me wet (like water makes you wet), but by and large it missed me. What could this mean? Likely the thing coming out of him are word curses against me, against the ministry God called me to, my family, and things that might seem personal. They could affect me if I’m not careful. Thus, it appears that although I avoided the majority of this fleshly ungodly filth that came out of this boy’s mouth, through the demon, some of his words did pierce me to an extent. This is an indication that some of what he says does, in fact, get to me. I am assuming that this “liquid” represents demonic, malicious, words (which probably is the case).

It was a whole mess of stuff that came out of him. Very wet. It flung all around the room. And this suggests that everyone in the room is also the target of his curses. This demon is raging mad! It was all this demonic stuff that came out of him— that came out through his mouth. This likely relates to his words. In other words, this particular deliverance is going to be a “loud ordeal” (put in your earplugs).

In order for this deliverance to take place, this boy had to be taken to a certain location. This location was a distinct location which was down a flight of stairs. It was a large enough flight of stairs. “Down a flight of stairs” could be symbolic but it could also be literal. Maybe someone has a soundproof room in their basement, and that is why we will have to take him there! There were more things that happened. Before bringing the boy to this room, there was preparation for it. There were steps that came before it.

Depending on the age of the boy, these steps could include teaching the boy (in the presence of at least one, but preferably at least two, adults whom he trusts). However, the steps could also include teaching others before trying to carry out this deliverance, as likely one or more other helpers are going to need to be there. Steps could also refer to other things like fasting and praying for this particular boy for several weeks prior to even attempting to cast the demon out of him. In reference to certain powerful demons, Jesus said,

“Howbeit this kind goeth not out but by prayer and fasting.” (Matthew 17:21)

This was the final step. It happened quickly, and powerfully. The statement, “This was the final step” suggests that many steps came before it. A lot of teaching, discipleship, prayer, and fasting, may be needed. But on the day this boy gets delivered, it will happen in that room!

I had this dream on December 4, 2023.

A Place of Cleansing

This dream is about God bringing spiritual and emotional cleansing, through the word of God and the Spirit God, which I am involved in.

My father did an amazing job of building a washroom. He seems to have built it for others. The washroom was built according to God’s predestined purpose. This washroom seems to be symbolic of a place of cleansing. There was a window that was high up, which seems to be symbolic of a window from heaven. The window seems to be symbolic of the Holy Spirit — the way by which God brings the light of his glory into this place.

There was a lot of urine in that washroom. I took a shower hose to wash it down. I used the water to wash that place. I washed it from the second story. On the one hand, water refers to the Holy Spirit in John 7:37-39. But it also refers to the word of God in Ephesians 5:26.

Urine is the by-product of something that is good (that is, food). It contains products that are toxic if left inside of you. As long as your system is working properly, you can get rid of it, and you will be fine. On a spiritual level, many people who have been through difficult circumstances have “toxic by-products” of those relationships inside of them. To not be able to properly get rid of these is dangerous. It can lead to unwanted anger, depression, anxiety, suicidal thoughts, and many other things besides. The Lord wants to bring cleansing of the soul so his people can live in peace.

The second story seems to represent the heavenly realm and the washing that I perform in the dream almost certainly represents washing with the word (see Ephesians 5:26). In other words, through the careful delivery of the word of God, people are getting cleansed and set free. This is not only a teaching issue, but an issue of the Holy Spirit. Teaching without the Holy Spirit does not produce the true cleansing and freedom that God desires. And so this brings in the second definition of water as found in the Bible, which is the Holy Spirit (see John 7:37-39).

The sense of predestination I think is significant, and may relate to Ephesians 2:10, which says, to believers,

“For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared before that we would walk in them.” (Ephesians 2:10)

In other words, this work of deliverance and setting the captives free is something God foreordained should happen from eternity past. It is his explicit will that his people get set free.

People began to enter that building. They even began to migrate upstairs to the second floor where the washroom was. There was a young woman with a child up there. There can be no other interpretation for the child except Jesus, because I then took the child and lifted him up. Jesus said,

“And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto me.” (John 12:32)

God desires that we lift up Jesus and make him known to others. Furthermore, he wants others to know about his power to heal and restore broken lives.

Who is the woman? And also, why was Jesus shown to me as a child? This is kind of interesting. First, I think that Jesus was shown to me as a child, so that I could lift him up in the dream. It would hardly be possible (or even seem logical) if he was fully grown. So for that reason, he was shown to me as a child. But it was also interesting that his mother was with him. But who does his mother represent in the dream? That is a question we need to think hard about.

In the Bible, we read an interesting account.

While he was yet speaking to the multitudes, behold, his mother and his brothers stood outside, seeking to speak to him. One said to him, “Behold, your mother and your brothers stand outside, seeking to speak to you.” But he answered him who spoke to him, “Who is my mother? Who are my brothers?” He stretched out his hand toward his disciples, and said, “Behold, my mother and my brothers! For whoever does the will of my Father who is in heaven, he is my brother, and sister, and mother.” (Matthew 12:46-50)

I believe this is the point. Jesus says that his mother and brothers are those people who do the will of God! And I think that is exactly what the Lord is getting at in this dream. The people who came for cleansing in this dream were not unbelievers, but believers and followers of Christ.

This is also interesting, because what does this place of cleansing represent? It represents a place where people can get delivered of oppressive burdens that they have been carrying. These issues are often caused by demonic forces. That is why it is so important to uphold the biblical teaching that God is still performing miracles today and that all of the gifts of the Holy Spirit (including the casting out of demons, through the working of miracles, as taught in 1 Corinthians 12:10) is available for today.

Jesus can be lifted up in many ways. The Bible says,

“Whether therefore you eat, or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.” (1 Corinthians 10:31)

However, there is one way more than any other in which Jesus is lifted up, and that is through the preaching of the word of God. The Bible says,

“For seeing that in the wisdom of God, the world through its wisdom didn’t know God, it was God’s good pleasure through the foolishness of the preaching to save those who believe.” (1 Corinthians 1:21)

Paul also mentions that the preaching of the gospel includes signs and wonders. For we read,

“For I will not dare to speak of any of those things which Christ hath not wrought by me, to make the Gentiles obedient, by word and deed, Through mighty signs and wonders, by the power of the Spirit of God; so that from Jerusalem, and round about unto Illyricum, I have fully preached the gospel of Christ.” (Romans 15:18-19)

Thus, the Bible definition of fully preaching the gospel includes signs and wonders.

This place got filled and became extremely busy — a really fast upsurge of people.

I was deeply touched by the place my father had created.

I had this dream on January 31, 2024.

4. Revival In the City

This dream is about a future move of God, in which the unity of the brethren is highlighted, which I am involved in.

I had an incredibly anointed dream about a move of God’s Spirit in the city in which I had a significant role to play. The dream was about a revival. This revival affected more than one region of the city. The city is not overtly specified.

I remember going to and fro in different parts of the city. God’s anointing was present in these different parts. It was not localized to one specific place. However, it certainly was in the east end of the city (I myself live in the west end of Ottawa). I’m not sure if being in the east end of the city is symbolic, but it could be. In Ezekiel, we read,

“Yahweh’s glory went up from the middle of the city, and stood on the mountain which is on the east side of the city.” (Ezekiel 11:23)

The east side might simply be a reference to the place of Yahweh’s glory. Since I myself live on the west side of the city, this was not my normal location. To be clear, this “revival,” was present in at least three locations in the dream. But the east side is highlighted.

There was a man there. This man was older than I. This man might represent myself at a later date, which I think is possible, and maybe even probable. The Lord may be showing me a facet about myself in the dream, sometime later on. This man seemed to look quite a bit like Bob Birch (founder of Watchmen for the Nations1). I met Bob Birch in 1991 (along with the current leader of Watchmen for the Nations, David Demian), when I was living in Cambridge, Ontario. I only met him that one time, as far as I can recall. But I’ve heard numerous people speak about him since that time. He was a well respected man. Certainly, the theme of unity is promoted on the Watchmen for the Nations website.2 And so perhaps it is for good reason that this man reminded me of Bob Birch.

The unity present in the dream was really significant. It is something I have never experienced before in my entire Christian experience (40 years). There is no question that the Lord has plans for his people to experience something they have never experienced before.

Followers of Christ were standing in this dream. It was not just a few. In the actual snapshot I was shown, I was shown maybe 40 believers. Forty is also a significant number, but I don’t know if there were 40 believers. It is an estimate.

There was no sense of disunity. This really stood out. Interestingly, if you visit the home page of Watchmen for the Nations,3 the picture that you will find (as of January 2025) is of a group of believers standing united and worshipping, with the heading, “ONE FAMILY.” This image is very similar (in fact, almost identical) to the image that I saw in the dream, in which I was in the midst of it. The only thing I would add to it is that in the dream, they were standing very close together. The sense of complete unity was the most amazing element of the dream.

No words at all were spoken in the dream. But it was a very powerful dream.

I had this dream on April 21, 2023.




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