The Judgment of God on Fake Miracle Workers, Part 2

Tags: Discernment, Apostasy, Dreams & Visions, End Times
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The Judgment of God on Fake Miracle Workers, Part 2
The Judgment of God on Fake Miracle Workers, Part 2, originally published on May 1, 2020, is about a “house of God” that is under the judgment of God. She refuses to repent and in the end is completely destroyed. The second in a multipart series.

The Judgment of God on Fake Miracle Workers, Part 2

In the previous article, we noted that Nadab and Abihu offered up strange fire before the Lord. But because they acted in a way that was disrespectful towards God, this offering ended up costing them their lives. Following this, we discussed what a strange fire might represent in today’s day and age.

Why I even discussed this was because I had a dream, and in the dream, the house of my father was shown to me, representing an assembly of believers, through the imagery that was already explained in the last article.

These articles form a progression, so it’s important that you read them in order. So, please, take the time to read The Judgment of God on Fake Miracle Workers, Part 1, prior to reading this article.

The Lord does not want there to be any misunderstandings, for the sake of all concerned. It is important that we look at everything in light of what the Scriptures have to say. Because the Lord only speaks consistent with his word, and never against it. Even in our daily living, we should be mindful of the Scriptures. How much more when interpreting a dream.

The Scriptures, therefore, are key, to being able to hear God’s voice. And if God is indeed speaking, it will always be consistent with the Scriptures. We should therefore make it our habit to be like the Bereans of old, who examined the Scriptures daily. Being students of the word, they were not easily deceived.

“These were more noble than those in Thessalonica, in that they received the word with all readiness of mind, and searched the scriptures daily, whether those things were so.” (Acts 17:11)

Now I would also like to point out that Paul was one of the very best when it came to explaining the Scriptures. He wrote many of them! Still, we read that these Bereans were “more noble than those in Thessalonica” because they “searched the scriptures daily” to see “whether those things were so.” “Those things” refers to what Paul himself was teaching.

If Paul’s teachings are worthy of being “cross-examined” in light of the rest of the Scriptures (which would have been the Old Testament back in those days), then we should also check out our pastors and leaders and everything that is taught to us, including what is in this article. Everything is to line up perfectly with the Scriptures, otherwise, it is to be rejected.

I believe the Lord wants us to have a lot of understanding, so we will need to go over this carefully. Please read this carefully for your sake, and for the sake of all concerned, because I know for a fact that judgment is coming and I do not want anyone to be adversely affected (this is the heart of God for you).

God has ruled against this group. In the end, what the Lord showed me is that the “house of my father” which represents a “house of God” on the earth, “burns to the ground.” It is a complete devastation.

Because the dream is an analogy, burning to the ground represents judgment. How exactly this occurs is yet to be determined. But this imagery is very severe and should be taken with the utmost urgency.

I am sharing with you my opinions, you can take it or leave it but I would “take it” as I myself was shaken by this dream for about a week after having it. It really riveted me, that’s how shaken I was. I originally thought it was “so great” that perhaps it related to the great tribulation. I was left internally shaking for about five days.

The Lord made it clear to me that this dream does not apply to every house of my father (meaning, Christian assembly or place of worship), but specifically for one or more that he is targeting at this time.

You might ask, “Why not the Roman Catholic church, the Mormon church, or the Jehovah Witnesses church?” And I think the main answer to that is, that these people do not claim to be born again, whereas the group that I saw does. Specifically, this is a charismatic, “signs and wonders,” type environment. Does this make “signs and wonders” bad? No, signs and wonders can be very good, if they come from God.

For Paul wrote,

For I will not dare to speak of any of those things which Christ hath not wrought by me, to make the Gentiles obedient, by word and deed, through mighty signs and wonders, by the power of the Spirit of God; so that from Jerusalem, and round about unto Illyricum, I have fully preached the gospel of Christ. (Romans 15:18-19)

Some people do teach that “signs and wonders have ceased,” but that is false. It is to be noted that God actually does perform signs and wonders today, but we need to be careful about maintaining an accurate, biblical, definition. For example, in Mark 9:38-39, Jesus refers to the casting out of demons as a miracle, using the Greek word “dunamis.” The casting out of demons is certainly for today, although it has been abused by some.

This word “dunamis” is the same word that Jesus used in Matthew 7:22, to describe works by those whom he will one day reject.

“Many will tell me in that day, ‘Lord, Lord, didn’t we prophesy in your name, in your name cast out demons, and in your name do many mighty works?’” (Matthew 7:22)

The word for “mighty works” is “dunamis.” Someone can claim to have power, but the power can be fake. And this is where the title for this series comes from, The Judgment of God on Fake Miracle Workers.”

The people that I saw in the dream had been caught in a lie. They were in the midst of a fake miracle worker.

The Lord wants to expose this lie.

There is no sense that any judgment God has shown me is for Roman Catholics, Mormons, or other groups that are not purportedly evangelical in their doctrine. Neither any other group like Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist, etc, who have not yet come to trust in Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior.

If you are not involved in a congregation that has gone astray, like the one that was shown to me, but you do know the Lord, please pray now that God’s will would be done (it certainly shall be, but you are invited to “join him” in praying for this situation).

Finally, if you happen to be one who is involved in a group like this, where “strange fires” are happening (meaning, there is intentional deception in your midst), then you need to remove yourself from there as quickly as you can, for God is getting ready to judge this place. Of course, you can, and should, inform others, as well.

The Bible says of God, in reference to his judgment,

Who can stand before his indignation? and who can abide in the fierceness of his anger? his fury is poured out like fire, and the rocks are thrown down by him. (Nahum 1:6)

The Earth Opens Its Mouth!

Some men in Israel started a rebellion. Their names were Korah, Dathan, and Abiram. These men led others into rebellion against Moses. In fact, 250 other leaders of Israel joined them in their rebellion (see Numbers 16:1-3). God spoke to Moses, and said,

“Speak to the congregation, saying, ‘Get away from around the tent of Korah, Dathan, and Abiram!’” (Numbers 16:24)

So Moses obeyed and warned the people, saying,

“Depart, please, from the tents of these wicked men, and touch nothing of theirs, lest you be consumed in all their sins!” (See Numbers 16:26)

Then, it says,

So they went away from the tent of Korah, Dathan, and Abiram, on every side. Dathan and Abiram came out, and stood at the door of their tents with their wives, their sons, and their little ones. (Numbers 16:27)

A little bit later, it says,

As he finished speaking all these words, the ground that was under them split apart. (Numbers 16:31)

Then, we read,

The earth opened its mouth and swallowed them up with their households, all of Korah’s men, and all their goods. So they, and all that belonged to them went down alive into Sheol. The earth closed on them, and they perished from among the assembly. (Numbers 16:32-33)

And this is one reason why the Bible says,

It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God. (Hebrews 10:31)

Even though we do not know how God is going to bring about the judgment which I observed, in the burning down of my father’s house, one thing we can glean from this passage in the book of Numbers, is that it is a godly thing to stand back from any person, or any place, that God is about to judge. This comes from Numbers 16:26, in which Moses commanded the people, saying,

“Depart, please, from the tents of these wicked men, and touch nothing of theirs, lest you be consumed in all their sins!”

Notice how Moses is pleading with them. He says, “please.” He does not want anyone to be consumed by the judgment that is about to come. He knows that when God judges, it can be very strict, indeed.

I think it might be good to quote Numbers 16:32-33 again, to be reminded of how serious the judgment can be.

The earth opened its mouth and swallowed them up with their households, all of Korah’s men, and all their goods. So they, and all that belonged to them went down alive into Sheol. The earth closed on them, and they perished from among the assembly. (Numbers 16:32-33)

No wonder Moses was pleading with the others to stand back from these individuals who were under the judgment of God. This command equally applies to you, as well, if you happen to be in the midst of this group that I saw, that God is going to judge.

Strange Fires

In the dream, fire appears in my father’s house. Initially, the fire is in the shape of a ball which is hovering. It is not in the fireplace, but hovering in the air. This is a most unusual sight. It was not consuming anything. It was just resting there in the air.

This represents the strange fire. The strange fire represents those wrong things that are happening. For example, fake miracles, deception, and false prophecies.

I warn the people about this, but no attention is given. I am ignored.

Then, fires begin to “break out” all over the house. Later, the entire house gets consumed by fire.

I believe that you will agree that the imagery signifies judgment from God, and not just some type of accidental fire or, for example, persecution by an enemy. No, the symbolism for this dream, which I will go over in more detail later, does not allow for the destruction to simply be an outside force. The destruction is actually judgment caused by disobedience.

The dream reads like a story. The story provides us with the environment, the players, the problem, the peril, the delusion, the danger, the warnings, the urgency, the concern from God’s standpoint, the need to help individuals get out of there and find safe passage, the fall of a pillar, and finally, the complete and utter destruction of this entire place. Here then is a rough breakdown of what I saw. There is much more detail in the dream itself, which I will cover in the next article.

1. We are in a church environment.

When I say “church,” I simply mean assembly of believers. Church is a generic term that I’ve chosen to use here. In the dream, I’m not told what type of assembly it is and neither is the word “church” ever used in the dream. But we do know for certain that believers in Christ are represented.

2. Strange fire is in the church, and the situation is out of control.

3. The people have ignored the warnings. Their deception is going to destroy them.

4. The lines of communication are cut between God and these people.

5. The people are not serious, are deceived, and refuse to listen to urgent warnings (therefore, they are in perilous danger).

6. God is genuinely concerned.

7. God has abandoned this congregation.

I’m simply using the word “congregation” to describe this group of people. A congregation is simply a group of believers. The word itself is never used in the dream.

8. The delusion of this congregation is at an all time high.

It is at this point that it is stated openly in the dream, that it took more than 20 years to build this house, and now it was coming down in just one hour. Even as the fire was raging, everyone acted as though everything was normal.

9. Help those who are confused, and get them out of there, before judgment hits.

When I use the word “judgment” here, I am talking about cataclysmic devastation that would leave no one standing if they did not get out in time.

Since those in charge are not listening, the house is going to be completely destroyed. In light of this, there is an urgency to get people out of there in order to save lives.

10. The time to exit is now!

I noticed that something like small rocks then fell from virtually right above me (just missing me). Then, I knew I had to get out of that house quickly!

11. Complete destruction will occur.

In front of me, I could see the fire raging (now it fully filled my vision), and I could see the structure breaking apart. The absolute rage of the fire was before my eyes. The flames were blazing in front of me so that my entire vision could only see flames as well as the (wooden) structure of the building that was now starting to break apart (the wooden structure was entirely engulfed). There was a support post that was now tilted, and by this I knew that the building was ready to collapse.

This, then, is a very brief summary of what I saw in the dream. It is much more detailed than this, which I will go over in the next article.

Ready for Part 3? Read, The Judgment of God on Fake Miracle Workers, Part 3.

This article was originally published on May 1, 2020. It was archived on the internet web archive on May 19, 2022. To view the link for the archive version, please visit

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